Nice? Nice?? hee=)
why did i say that it was still special even though it was celebrated with homecooked food by our chef( my dear daddy=D).......coupled with a gift of simple flowers and hugs and kisses??
well, because.........i can feel that i genuinely love my mother more than ever......
i feel that our family's bond has grown so much closer after mummy's cancer.....we have learnt that life....is short.....
and we are all trying to better or practice and faith in gohonzon...together.....
and.......we are much much closer than before....now a days......i can talk to daddy...without going into this great big fight most of the time....in the past.....this used to be as rare as a blue moon......
and......i hug mommy more now....as well as daddy=)
and i love my granny too.....even if i can get mad at her sometimes......she is still a grand old dame=)
i love u mommy=) i love u too papa=) and i love u also grandma^^
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