i wanted to update my blog AGES (ok, 1.5weeks) ago........but due to some technical fault with Singtel and Blogger.........i could'nt!!!
then, i saw the singtel truck turning at the cross junction when i was walking home from the busstop and i figured...."hey, maybe they fixed it?"
and lo and behold...when i logged in....yikai left a message in my tagboard that said something like....blogger should be working now.....
and....OHYEA=P it is! wooo! i can click on "new post" without having to see an error message=)
It had to break down on me right at the time where i had the mood.......seesh
anyway....now that i can get in here.....
i want to talk about THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!
i finally went to watch it on the 8th of May 2007 with Alice and YiKai.
it was fantabulous, marvelous + all the nice adjectives one can ever say i suppose...
it was beautiful.........their singing was heart-stopping.....just so darn good....i watched the movie a great many times and ended up singing along in my head thoughout the show=P.
and.......through their voices.....i could sense their feelings and pain....especially the phantom when he called out to christine while writhing from the pain of unrequited love.......my heart really did ache for the poor poor phantom.........
the set was totally gorgeous and changed so fast!! beautiful mechanics at work yea? i mean....you get a real chandelier that rises to the middle of the theaterette....a rehersal studio on the stage......a foggy misty river....an underground vault....a ballroom......all just on that little stage infront of us....changing so quickly like it was magic!
i really LOVED the part where the phantom and christine were in a boat crossing a misty river....the fog was thick....billowy and just so.............................mysterious and out of this world......and the boat REALLY looked like it was gliding across water!!!! HoW DID THEY DO THAT?????? the mist was so thick that it covered the orchestra=PP the poor conductor (a girl btw.)....i wondered how could she see.....
i saw one of my all time favourite musicals come alive before my very eyes........
and.............i was inside the ESPLANADE =) watching a ticketed show in a traditional horse-shoe
shaped theater for the first time in my life!!! the interiors are GORGEOUS!
i think i will die happy......***hahahx.....yea right.....who ever really knows?***
so lets change that to....-i will die a little happier than what i was supposed to feel at that moment in time=PPPPP
here is a picture of us during the intermission......

and here is a picture that i took of my ticket=) together with my rose pendent( a gift from grandma) and my black ribbon and brown fur bracelet.=))
oh yea=) and when i reached home after the show=) i cam-whore-ed just a little=))

the memory of it all will stay etched in my heart always