not new, but hey,
its the partnership of 2 people whose songs i always look at for inspiration in dance perf. music mixes.
go rihanna, go ne-yo.
this is beautiful
*nuff said*
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hate that I Love You Rihanna ft. Ne-Yo
Friday, December 19, 2008
the crying jags
the emotinoal roller coaster rides
the sleepless nights
the talking down
the anger and arrogance devouring my soul
the cold fury
the bitchy demenour
the high and mighty asshole shit...........
i knew all these negetivity were within me
i know its an innate nature like my 2nd breath
i ran away from places that will make me more so...
no coporate high flyer as my careers, i thought.....
but its no difference,
i've become more and more the person that i know i am but dont want to be
i was inspired in october by people so pure and strong......
but's cus i ain't them.........
so it can only be an inspiration and too late to be a reality reflected on me.................
face it lady
take the slash of the blade you threw...
bite the bullet and if you miss and if it kills you
it kills you
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Soba Ni Iru Ne - Thelma Aoyama Feat. SoulJa
そばに いる ね Thelma Aoyama Feat. SoulJa
いくら時流れて行こうと I'm by your side baby いつでも
So. どんなに離れていようと
一緒にいるけど 寂しいんだよ
So baby please ただ hurry back home※
[Even now I am still thinking of you ,
doesn't matter how long it takes
I’m by your side baby, always
So however far apart we are In my heart we’ll always be together
We are alive, But I’m so lonely
So baby please just hurry back home]
△Baby boy あたしはここにいるよ
You know dat I love you だからこそ
[*Baby boy, I’ll be right here
Won’t go anywhere, I’ll be waiting for you
You know that I love you, so
There’s no need to worry
No matter what’s the distance, this heart of mine will never change
You know what I want to say don’t you?
I’ll be waiting for you]
ちくしょう、やっぱ言えねぇやまた今度送るよ 俺からのLetter
[Before anything else, how have you been?
Have you been eating well?
Damn, I still can’t seem to think of what to say.
Guess I’ll send it another time, this letter of mine]
だけど あなたとの距離が遠くなる程に
だけど 目を閉じる時 眠ろうとする時
[But, every time when I close my eyes and when I fall asleep]
逃げきれないよ あなたの事
[I could never run away from you]
思い出しては 一人泣いてたの
[I reminisce and alone I cry]
[SoulJa]不器用な俺 遠くにいる君伝えたい気持ちそのまま言えずに
アルバムの中 納めた思い出の
日々より 何げない一時が
And now あなたからの電話待ち続けていた
[And now I’m still waiting for your call]
[Hands still clasped on my cell phone even as I fall asleep]
どこも行かないよ ここにいるけれど見つめ合いたいあなたのその瞳
[I won’t go anywhere, I’ll just stay right here. I just want to gaze and stare into your eyes]
ねぇわかるでしょ? あたし待ってるよ
[You already know, don’t you? That I’ll be waiting for you]
俺はどこも行かないよ ここにいるけれど
探し続けるあなたの顔Your 笑顔
今でも触れそうだって思いながら手を伸ばせば 君は
Awww man, this is such a beautiful song....
It is the reply to SoulJa's kokoni iru yo (i'm right here).
Love it.
だけど 目を閉じる時 眠ろうとする時
逃げきれないよ あなたの事.
あなたからの電話待ち続けていた 携帯にぎりしめながら眠りについた.\
いくら時流れて行こうと I'm by your side baby いつでも
一緒にいるけど 寂しいんだよSo baby please ただ hurry back home