Its papa's birthday today=)
unlike last year where i had the time to stay home and whip up an intricate meal for papa (we had jap food last year^^)
this was all done in 2hrs...with help from my maid^^ after i got home from my project.

the chicken=) all nicely decorated=P

another plate of chicken. This one...the sauce is really last minute anyhow "pong" (didi's word, not mine) one. turned out nice according to mom=) so yea^^

these are potatoes=) went through a hell load of disaster with this one owing to the fact that i have never made this and my maid forgot she had to put flour=P finally had a batch that was okay though=D *grins*

owing to the previous disaster....this dish appeared...cus...there was lots of potato that was not good enough for the previous dish. hahax. so i cracked an egg and mixed it with the potatoes and viola. Meet the fried potato egg dish. LOL.

this is the view from the top=)

and...this is the birthday noodles =) granma always says that we have to eat noodles on birthdays and yea i didnt want papa missing out on his so i made a last minute one, jap style=P cus they are cold soba noodles with miso, seseme oil and light soy sauce=P
papa was super tired from work though. ON his Birthday! poor daddy=) glad that there was a nice meal waiting for daddy when he got home=)
oh! and didi flew out to get cake last minute for papa cus ma couldnt get it in time and dad was too tired to go get his own cake.
So didi did=) and that's one big HUG for my little bro=D
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