like arrgghhh!!!
the last time i was here ( yea sarah, u were right, 29 AUg 08!!)
i was still working in that company.....
nOw, i finished work at a second company and is already almost at the END of my first week back at school..
Looking at the workload presented by my lecturers....
i forsee hell in the near future.
i keep telling myself i will live through all these,
encouraging myself that i will be able to help do up a nice entertaining event for kenshu,
as well as getting inspration for the routines used in the above said event by attending dance classes at Studio Wu <3.
well, lookin' on da BRIGHTER side,
i did manage to squeeze in play time during my final week of holiday=)
-KBOX-ed with HuiTing and went Haji Lane to seesha (hell, i don't think i spelt that right..)
-lunched with HuiJeen, Joanne and Sarah @ Jurong Point (cus the lovely ladies are now ALL in the westside in Uni. hahax=P. Am looking foward to more makan sessions^^ )
-dinner-ed and starbucked (JP's treat!=D) at our old secondary school hangout -Compass Point with Joanne, Jon Lee and Jon Pang, and of course our crasher huijeen *kiddin=P* it has been AGES since i seen the 2 jons! i think JP is taller, i m positive he he isnt tall enough. hahax. It was great catching up will all of you^^ hope next time more XMCHorale people can make it^^ . It will probably be the weekends though, cus half of them are in NS and they book out at the weirdest hours. Sometimes it even seems like a "heng-suay" thing when it comes to meeting up for dinner.
15/10-went to watch REDOUBLED by Singapore Dance Theater. One of the features in this year's Da:ns Festival! It was a treat from weiqi cus he wanna thank me for helping with the editing of the steps and all that in the MidAutumn FEstival Performance for Kolam Ayer CC. hahax. Redoubled features 2 dance pieces.
1. Sometimes I think I Remember -Choreographer: Jeffery Tan (resident choreographer & senior artiste in SDT)
It was a nice emotive piece which shows the lead sometimes in a dream , sometimes waking up, with videos and voices that keep questioning. All the questions were thought provoking.
like -"is she really there? is she not? sometimes i feel all alone. / as a child we lay together and you promised me, it was our secret-a promise, but maybe you wanted something else" *these arent the exact words but snippets of what i remember and of course credit of it all still goes to the piece's creators"*
i could somehow feel the pain that the characters were going through. the confusion, and anguish and frustration.
but the beautiful part was that at the end, the voice said......
whatever happens.
"keep walking.."
and it ended there. startling and provoking, encouraging after all the dark emotions where exposed.
2. Pellucid -choreographer: Kuik Swee Boon (aka as ruiwen lao shi to some of us=))
the write up in the programme for this piece was rather short, stating that it's theme was "simplicity"- with "miracles and fantasy" and life being back to basics. *as described in the programme booklet*
Knowing laoshi, it would be abstract.
And i kept wondering, what is this trying to tell me? which part of it is simplicity?
As i watched, a story/ theory formed....
The characters were at home, home from work and it's raining. She couldn't sleep and is sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen. He gives her a drink of water. They try to sleep. He does, she doesnt and is awake once more. Fear grips her, she shines the torch at the threatening figures but maybe they weren't really there. Maybe it is simply about being alone?
She sees the carpets being rolled up...could this be the vision of riches being stripped away and going back to a simple life?
She struggles,he awakes,he calms her down once more. The simple life at home?
Maybe it is really about the audience watching and the searching within them the simplicity in their lives by reflecting and thinking about the similarities in their lives to the movements and images the dancers portray.
i may never know what laoshi truely wants to say,
but this is my interpretation....
in one word it is absract. its just absract. but it makes you think. ^^
and it is making me MISS ecnad .
OH, on the quite bright side of things......
i am 19 already.
and i had a REALlY memorable birthday...
yea, i had my share of presents, clothes from mummy n daddy, bags from my chapter i/cs and communicators, a damn CUTE 2009 schedule book and other gifts from friends, promises of belated treats and gifts, and numerous well wishes from people
all of which i have to say a BIG THANK YOU=)
but you know the best part????????!!!
the most freaking MEMORABLE PART???
it was that on the day of my birthday,
my dearest mommy treated me like CINDERALLA.
before you can say "awww, so sweet, she's still her mommy's princess"
hold up.
let me finish my sentence...
yes she treated me like Cinderalla.......BEFORE the BALL that is.....
my mom gave me life skills training of washing clothes and using the washing machine, ironing , hanging etc etc etc.
on my birthday.
and she was LAUGHING NON STOP.-.-
cus she says i look DAMN FUNNY when i do Housework,
i drop the pole for hanging clothes, she laugh.
i hit the glass door with the same pole, she laugh.
the plants drop out of the flower pot and the soil drop the floor, she laugh.
hand washing the more delicate frabics without having a stool to sit down (hey, shun bian train my legs ma, i been out of dance practice in awhile you knOw!!!), she STILL laugh!
actually, almost everything she laugh!
hahax. but yea it was a memorable essential bithday lesson. lol!
what are the things i really miss now????
1. my maid (she went back for a month holiday. which explains the entire housework fiasco)
2. ECNAD! like, gosh i miss my contemparary dance school! there is so much more i want to learn from howchoon and the rest. BUT, i have to keep myself focused and comit proper for the May dance project. Thats why i signed up for Studio WU cus they allow me to be VERY flexible with my schedule=). BUT I STILL MISS ECNAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. ****
oh well. NIGHTS PEEPS!
or rather, good morning. hahax.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
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