Isnt that so?
if you had a gift for something, shouldnt it be used to make the world a better place?
shouldnt it be used to say something real and touch the hearts of others? evoke a thought in others?
shouldnt it be positive?
when we do a performance, be it music or dance, or when we do an art piece,
behind all the fun and enjoyment on stage,
there is a message the artiste wants to put across
an issue that the artisite wants to talk about
a value that they want to portray
an emotion or a story that they want to show
a viewpoint that they want to speak of
a picture that they want to paint
a pain they want to tell
a joy they want to sound
it is this insight that moves people. the thoughts and emotions behind it all.
there's a reason why i like the band simple plan. their lyrics are raw and true. it relates.
it advocates sometimes even.
all these arty farty song writing, picture painting, dance cheographing?
yea it entertains.
my the upbeat ones really rawks the house down!=)
but most importantly? it reaches out to people, influences people.
i believe in this......
if you have a gift, use it.....and use it well.
that was all that i wanted you to understand........................
maybe next time, i should just shut it , save it and write it.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
You Can't stop the beat!
Whoever watched Hairspray will know this song....
I then asked for ballet classes....
Then came primary school...
Then came secondary school...
Well....then came poly and i WANTED to go for the dancesport cca (ballroom, u know salsa and the likes?) but the then PC had lots of meetings that i had to attend and they usually clashed with i had to forgo.
I watched Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights as well as the original Dirty Dancing that year and i was mesmerised......LOVED the dancing in there! and the music!!! oh man. it was on replay mode for a long long time.
Then came STepUp=)
i saw Heidi and Travis's PASO DoUble competition piece on So You think You can dance.
Soon in, came september kenshu and i cheographed the Retro piece to the song greased lightning and man it was just SO FUN=)
thus, when the opportunity came for me to choose to be in the dance team for spiko......
an excerpt:
You cant stop an avalanche
As it races down the hill
You can try to stop the seasons, girl
But ya know you never will
And you can try to stop my dancin' feet
But i just cannot stand still
Cause the world keeps spinnin'Round and round
And my heart's keeping time To the speed of sound
I was lost til i heard the drums Then i found my way
Cause you can't stop the beat
Ever since this old world began
A woman found out if she shook it
She could shake up a man
And so i'm gonna shake and shimmy it
The best that i can today
'Cause you cant stop
The motion of the ocean
Or the sun in the sky
You can wonder if you wanna But i never ask why
And if you try to hold me down
I'm gonna spit in your eye and say
That you cant stop the beat!
ok, i know some parts of the song may sound cheesy, but the beat's infectious in that retro kind of way so to hell with it. And it is speaking the truth isnt it?
Well its true for me=)
I wish i have more hours in my day to do everything and to dance more.
My journey in my interest, dance?
It started as a kid....
dragged my little brother and "cheographed" this ribbon dance thing to welcome my aunt.
he willingly did it okay!! awww man....wish i took pictures, then i would use it as BLACKMAIL!! kidding=P
I then asked for ballet classes....
parents said no......
but i always enjoyed watching figure skaters and ballroom dancers on TV thereafter.
Then came primary school...
I remember my classmates and i sang and danced to Westlife's Coast to Coast.
oh the horror!! it was only "cheographed" the day before, and....nevermind......we were all young once. i don't want pcitures for this one.
Then came secondary school...
by then, during CCA selections, I could never qualify for dance in school cus i was stiff like a stick.
N i was selected for choir<33
n i love singing too u knw^^ miss my choir mates=)
however, in secondary 2, i helped learn the steps to Jolin Tsai's hit See my 72 transformations and Qi shi jing shen and danced together with my classmates for a teacher's day item..
i enjoyed it.
i didnt have a fringe then and looked like an egg on stage, so no way for way.....i jus wanna rmb shaking to the beat.
There were also choir Melizo 2 and 3=) The musicals had both singing AND dancing.
I had the best of both worlds=)
i can totally hear Miley Cyrus singing Hannah Montana's opening song "best of both worlds" right now.....
Well....then came poly and i WANTED to go for the dancesport cca (ballroom, u know salsa and the likes?) but the then PC had lots of meetings that i had to attend and they usually clashed with i had to forgo.
I watched Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights as well as the original Dirty Dancing that year and i was mesmerised......LOVED the dancing in there! and the music!!! oh man. it was on replay mode for a long long time.
Then came STepUp=)
i had my eyeballs GLUED to the screen for that one. watched it countless times already.
it took my breath away.
i was like.....
i saw Heidi and Travis's PASO DoUble competition piece on So You think You can dance.
I was on the bus watching TV mobile. I didnt want to get off! i vowed to one day learn that style too=)
Soon in, came september kenshu and i cheographed the Retro piece to the song greased lightning and man it was just SO FUN=)
*gimme more gimme more*
thus, when the opportunity came for me to choose to be in the dance team for spiko......
hehe. i jumped in right away! oh yea!
it exposed me to contemparary dance and i love it. I love the emotion you can evoke and the hidden messages portrayed with the right combination between the music, cheography and the emotion of the dancer.
it made me decide to really move it and sign up for ecnad. a contemparary dance school that i had been eyeing for quite awhile.
i love my lessons there=)
then STEPUP2: THE STrEEts! came!!!!!!
it was smokin!!
loved every minute in the cinema i tell ya! i wanted to GETUp N dAnce!!!!!
it was so so good!=) man can the moose guy and the leads dance!!
the final one in the rain??? oh my!!!! faints!!!
i wanted the songs in my MP3 right there and then.
cinemas should have an outlet for movie goers to buy songs of the movies and load them directly into their music players. yea. totally.
watched the video's of america's best dance crew on youtube also, and goodness some of them were in the movie! =)
Next up, i danced in a contemparary piece for the gala dinner right after spiko's actual day too=) loved it. loved the 2mins and 15secs of it all.
our final pose=)
our final pose=)
I was kinda sad that it was all over
all i had was the classes at ecnad left.=)
then came ANOTHER opportunity!
a hiphop piece for the celebration dinner=)
gosh i had so much fun learning a new style!! through out it all, i had difficulty breaking out of the "ballerina-contemparary" mould. i was so used to it that i point my feet on instinct everytime i lift up my feet and have that floaty feel ....not very hiphoppy. hahax!
but then, i got alittle used to it though i still did not totally break the mould.
i don't know how to describe it....but thing is, there wasn't much thinking of the dance steps when i danced. my body just seemed to flow with the music!! i could feel it in my veins!!gaahhh!! that's a first.
that feeling was just AMAZING.
it makes me wanna take up hiphop now too!!! oh no!!! where am i going to find the time??? BUT I WANT TO! I HAVE TO! hahax=P
wanna grab that class that teaches DongBangShinGi's "O.Jung.Ban.Hap." dance steps. OMO! HAWT!HAWT!HAWT!=DD too bad i couldnt go for Purple Line ivy ne-chyan!! TEACH ME SOON K???!
憶えてくださいね !!! 私の休み時 いしょに ダンスー を しましょ!=)
our group pic=)
sigh. wanna go on dancing=)
ballet?? hiphop? salsa?? anyone??
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