After so much planning,
After so much time spent on making the materials,
After so much time spent typing lesson plans on the computer,
After so many late nights colouring away (with my darling bro's help=))
My math learning corner was set up with all activities.....
my matrix board

my logical pairs jigsaw

my match the picture story
my match my shadow activity
all ready to be used in my last and final lesson for this semester=)
which was implemented today, under the watchful eye of my centre's mentor...
it was smooth most of the time=)
and the children....
and the children....
i wanna hug them real tight for being so well behaved^^
and my mentor said that my activities were quite good=)
the sense of satisfaction was just soooo overwhelming.....
i SKIPPED and did the typical japanese drama "yatta" (peace sign and jumping in the air) move....on the way to the bus stop=)
and i smiled like a blithering idiot....making some of the ah peks stare at me like i was a lunatic.
i learnt from the other girl who goes to my centre too but is from another class that....when she went for her attachment that day.....
the kids called her Ms SanSan=P
ahhhhh.....look at the young 'uns...
they are missing me already=P
i just love it when they all swarm around me and call my name when i arrive=)
its like having a horde of kids.....
minus the giving birth part=P
gosh...i m goNna miss them...