Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lessons learnt

Society is a university in its own right.....
If you open your eyes and heart, one realises that there are a million things to learn.....
Some seem so insignificant that they dont seem like lessons.....but they are!

What i learnt today:
*Always read the fine print in any document.
* Never expect others to pity you, becuase theyhave their own problems too.....
* sometimes, you just have to do it......and do it with a smile, or you forfiet a happy experience. (mind over body)

FIghto- Oh!!!

with all the assignments......i just have to live through this week and life will be better, and i can live easy......
this week is packed.....

笑一笑, 没什么事情过不了。

with every failed move, stand up and try again, aiming for perfection.
face it with determination and readiness in the eyes, because the audience can tell.
dicipline is one of the keys..........................

that's dance.............

and that's life.......