(so stop thinking i am 20=P)
Yeap. My 18th birthday just passed in blur. A blur that made me feel loved by the people around me and appreciative of what they have done for me. They have made it a blast, according to my dictionary.
I got treated to dinner by Ivy on my birthday eve.
On the actual day, I went out to celebrate by having a lunch and a K-box session with Mae , JingYi and tedsi. Thanks peeps for making it memorable even though we met lousy service that day=) and...........you all were geniuses, you all got the secret recipe banana chocolate cake to stand upright when it was packed flat, and even managed to stick a birthday candle on it!!!!! and thanks for the gorgeous gift peeps=)
There after it was the weekly friday chanting at PC and there, i recieved wishes from numerous people, a special gift=), and a VERY VERY LOUD birthday song right at PC's doorstep that made me tomato red in the face( i think so laa, i can't see myself you know)....
oh, and not to forget the well wishes from my darling friends from secondary school who couldnt meet me, havnt seen me in ages and yet still remembered. Hugs to everyone out there=))
and then came the problem..............after friday chanting , it was a tad too late to get cake...........
but when i opened the door to my home, there was my sweet,adorable, crazy brother trying to bake one for me=))

thats how it looks like=)) cool eh??? i am being called a noob (aka idiot who duznt know *insert subject**) and given a cake that has the main ingredient: eggs, threfore making it a JiDanGao=PP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooo yeAh!
i told my bro to put the word "ass" next year. hahahax!
then came the next problem..................
no birthday candle.
we took a old unsued white candle, stuck it on a paper cupcake case and put it beside the cake=) genius!
it isnt the most perfect of birthdays, with a noob labled ji dan gao and all, but man i like it!
and for more reasons than this............................
I crown my 18th the best birthday ever since my brain could decipher what the word birthday means=)
here's the gifts=))

i just realised the colour combi is nice. hahax!