The first day back.....had to do a project presentation....luckily, it was story telling. However, the nightmare only started when i arrived home.....for i had to "chiong" out the project that I had to hand in on Tuesday......which is an A3 size poster about myself, with reflections on 3 things, like your significant/special moment in you life , and the works. I had to do laminating and had to head out to the mall to do it......thus, i only officially started making the poster at about 9pm. I managed to finish decorating at around 2am and was too tired to type out the refelctions and fell asleep briefly infront of the computer, before i eventually got up and went to bed. (aftermath of a sleep lacking holiday and kenshu=P) but hey.....i am totally proud of the finished product! i was so happy that before i handed it in...i couldnt help but take pictures! here they are!
Anyways...during lecture on tuesday....for my self awareness managment module....we had games and there was this fashion show thing and my group made me be the model aka mascot=P look at wad they did to me.......

and i really had to post this [below] , even though it isnt a very good pic but still.....

anyways...after class that day was an exachange with japanese high school students in school before rushing back to hougang to give tuition and after that was another bout of "chionging" for another project (children's playkit) to be handed in on wednesday afternoon....and i had attachement on wednesday morning! Where i had to teach!!!! argghhhh!! i totally went almost to the point of hysteria.......
After wednesday.....things began to seem better..... I was TOTALLY looking foward to FRIDAY!! hahax.....but...i still had to go through another bout of "chionging"[not so bad this time though] for my field practicum individual assignment on Wednesday night since it was due 8am the next morning.......
Thur, had to wake up VERY early since lesson starts at then..........
i really felt burnt out and zombie-fied...........and thursdays are my longest days......cus i have jap class in school till 8pm......
i was physically becoming "panda-fied" too.....
but once jap class was over, a huge stone seem to have rolled away=) i could breathe better^^ and Friday was totally a relaxing day compared to the entire week...which i can only say "HOORAY!!"
SAturday came, and I spent my afternoon out with ivy and went Kinokuniya in Takashimaya=)) to finally purchase a Japanese Grammer book and also the japanese version of the book for the show One Litre of Tears [despite the fact that i cant comprehend past the first line, it will serve as my source of motivation to speed up my jap learnig!]...all these just before S'pore hikes her GST to 7% on July 1st the next day=P......then i parted ways with Ivy and went to the airport to have dinner with my parents and bro n see my dad off for he was going to Germany for a week=) Man.....i love the airport!=D
Sunday was Kosenrufu chanting and i had choir after that.....then.....i went orchard...AGAIN!! this time to study jap with mae...orchard library has good atmosphere btw.....then later....the 2 of us met up with the grp of peeps who went to watch transfomer [ huiqi, huishan, yikai, weichuan and hongming] and had dinner at yoshinoya-cineleisure, before heading for a cup of coffee at TCC.......huiqi n huishan left early though before coffee..=) after coffee.....they all walked back to Dhoby Gaut stn with me=PP arigatou ne minna san!!ありがとう ね みんなさん![thanks all of ya^^] i took an espresso shot cus i knew i had to keep awake once i got home...cus i promised myself that i had to edit stuff for my project=P apparently.....caffine no longer works its magic cus i am too tired.....managed to zzz afterall......
The moment i woke up the next was yet another busy day at school.....with assignment up due on was yet another chionging night...hahax!
i kept telling myself though.....after tuesday...things will be better.....=D
and it was.....
counting that i had a slacky tuesday afternoon cus i cut afternoon class as well as a slacky wednesday afternoon....both filled with pig-out session and movies[watched the devil wears prada and i love it^^ plus the clothes=P] as well as enjoyable japanese class homework...thur was the usual with jap class till 8pm......
and viola! it was friday again!!!!
then saturday!!!!...........filled with tuition giving and PC activitites=D
then sunday!!! and papa will be home !!! in the evening.....meaning...dinner at the airport!!!! weee!!!!!!!!!!!!
told you time flies^^